I think drawing women and girls is hard. It's something I work on because I'm never quite comfortable with the final outcome. Dan DeCarlo once told me, in his raspy voice, "...if you can draw a pretty girl you're never without work..." And Dan was one of the best. I did have a discussion one time with Allyson, a fellow caricature artist, out on the Worlds of Fun midway about this. It was a particularly slow day, so we had some time to talk about art and such. Her opinion was that she found guys to be hard to draw, the opposite of my plight. Trust me, though. Guys are easy to draw.
At ICON this past fall in Des Moines, IA, a fellow Shocktraumanaut and I discussed doing something a bit "Archie-ish," even a bit "Bob Oksner-ish"ala the Bob Hope/Jerry Lewis comics DC used to publish...a comic/webcomic...SOMETHING...but in that humorous vain. Initially we seem to be calling it "Horror High," but for some reason tonight, I like the idea of calling it "Karloff HIgh." And to preface this, these designs may not even be used, but at least I got the pencil and brush moving. Here's an initial concept of some of the cheerleaders at "Horror High"...

I found this sketch buried in my studio, having pencilled it months ago. It was of a very pretty girl who was dressed as a "Supergirl" at the 2009 Planet Comicon...

Monte May and I make a regular trek, at least once, to Hooter's when we are doing Comic Con International in San Diego. And it's become a running joke between us that we never get one of the knockout waitresses. All the waitresses at that particular Hooter's are attractive, but we've never been waited on by one of the "bombshells." And the last one we had barely even served us. She must've had a good "cheapskate" radar.
Earlier this year, Monte was getting married and invited me to his bachelor party, which was held...where else?...at Hooter's. But at the one in Independence, MO. That Hooter's is hard to describe without laughing. It seems more like a Denny's or Waffle House, except the waitresses are half dressed and DO have all their teeth. People bring their kids, and they even do the "birthday party" thing complete with balloons and songs. You'd think it was a "Chucky Cheese" with boobs! Monte and I have said it's the only Hooter's where you'll find 4 generations of women working there. BID...somewhat.
But the laugh at his bachelor party was that we didn't get an "ugly" waitress, but we got the pregnant one. Later on at his future "in-laws," I drew a rough cartoon of the "Teenage Pregnant Hooter's Waitress"(which by the way, that phrase can be sung to the old cartoon show theme for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) along with "mom," "grandma," and a little girl in a walker, all dressed in Hooter's attire and giving some poor patron fits. I think Monte kept it. He thought it was funny. Anyway, here's the finished piece. Monte will now have a piece of art from me. Guess I should finish the Betty and Veronica I started for him, too...

Enough mayhem for this evening. Tomorrow, I'll be ranting on the sad state of our country as evidence by recent developments in football coaching.
bring yo shit old man! cant wait to see ya.
Don't know how much drawin' I'll do. Would like to see San Antonio. Maybe find some San Antonio Gunslingers memorabilia. Would like to see Fiesta Texas. WF is deluged with snow. I cut a half donut up by the AB shop trying to get around.
I love the story about the knocked up Hooter's girl...too funny....
I like the Supergirl piece....great job! Then again, they are all pretty darn terrific.
Ah yes, but more importantly, how was your food? :)
--Hooters of Independence MO
Thanks for posting, "Christine." It is both exhilarating and frightening that someone out in cyberspace actually reads the crap I post. Guess I should pay more attention to that psa about posting on line.
The food was "free" that night...paid for by the bacheler host, so it was excellent.
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