Tuesday, April 6, 2010


April is here. Soon the park will be open, whether I'm ready for it or not.

I did spend the Saturday before Easter visiting my brother and his family. And this year they had his wife's family, too, for the weekend. Quite a house-full, but lots of fun.

The photo operation is still in flux. While the folks who do it for the company have told me not to worry, with assurances they know what they are doing, I still have this nagging bile in the back of my throat. There just doesn't seem to be much "margin." Or, not enough for me.

The one person who put a relaxed face on the thing was in town a while back, and while we were waiting on some official "sign-offs" from his boss, I sketched him as a "Simpsons" character. Here's how it turned out...

Gotta go!

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