A quote from "The Empire Strikes Back," as Yoda is giving Luke a lesson on the force. It also has become a mantra of sorts as I look post-season at Worlds of Fun...and beyond.
I asked my assistant manager today as we did some piddling around the park, some catch-up stuff before calling it a "season," if he went through any "withdrawal" this past weekend. He admitted to have a case of the fidgets, and I felt strangely all weekend. But I was at I-Con, a comic book show in Des Moines, IA, and it seemed a good excuse to take the wife and get out of town. I had gotten to the point of NOT liking to sit behind a table at comics shows, but this time it felt "right." Maybe it's maturity, or maybe it's I just don't have and preconceived notions? Not sure. Any way, here I am behind a table doing some drawing...

It was good to see a lot of old friends, and do some "reconnecting." Here I am with Jim Woodyard talking some shop. He was giving me an idea he's had for a comic book/webcomic, and we're batting some ideas around...

I liked what he proposed. Now the trick is to not let it set and die. Sometime I'll have to some old sketches of other ideas I've had that have gone fallow and may just need some rethinking. We'll see. Oh, and the other 2 guys in the photo are Aaron Gillespie and Jason Caskey.
I was bored during the latter part of the show. It was only a one-day thing, and that was fine by me. Becky and I had hoped to do some sight seeing around Des Moines Sunday, but that's another post. The sketch I was working on was one of Marge Simpson "nekkid" in a giant martini glass(Don't worry. Nothing was showing and it was tastefully done) harkening back to early girlie mag covers and a wink at Marge's new found fame as the first cartoon woman featured on the cover of Playboy. A woman later bought the drawing, and I do apologize for not having any pics of other stuff I drew that day(forgot my camera). It seemed like she was wanting a bit more spirited dialogue when she was watching me sketch it. But my own take is that with publishing, in general, at death's door Playboy probably needed her more than she needed them. Here I am...

And at the end of the day, I was pretty well gone. Getting too old, I guess...

We went over to Brook and Linda Turner's for a late evening BBQ. As the night progressed, they had a Beatles game-thingy their kids like going, and we all got roped in a bit singing along with it. Here's the Turners...

And if you haven't checked out Phil's and Brook's work on the comic book, "Golly," SHAME ON YOU!!!
Aaron, another "Shocktraumanaut," did his thang warbling a Beatles tune...

I got roped into doing one, and as the resident old fart, was belting out "I Want To Hold Your Hand." Everyone there kept calling for me to dance it out. To clarify...I am not drunk in this picture. But if I was going to make a fool out of myself, I was going to give it my best effort...

Since this is supposed to be a "sketch blog," I did do some doodling in my sketchbook. Here's a pilgrim woman head shot. It's for a New England gothic thing I've had rolling around for a while.

Next up...the "puppy" we got in Des Moines, our Sunday misadventure, and relearning where my drawing table is.
Good night!
PS--all the photos used for this post are courtesy of either Mike Sullivan or Bruce McCorkindale...because I forgot bring my camera in from the car.
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